Wednesday 23 April 2014

Liebster Award

So I've been lucky enough to have been nominated for the Liebster Award a few weeks ago by my beautiful friend Jessica and of course my usual procrastinating self never got round to doing anything about it UNTIL NOW! After a bit of initial research I have found out that the purpose of this award is to discover, recognise and inspire new bloggers which I think is a tip-top and altogether lovely idea! So without further ado I will answer 11 questions as posed by Jessie Beag and then I will nominate several blogs which I believe deserve recognition and a lot of love and give them some questions to answer. Enjoy!

1. What made you want to start blogging?
Boredom. If I'm honest. I came back from uni for the Easter holidays and thought it was about time I started doing something productive that would keep me both busy and stimulated; because let's face it I'm hardly going to revise much! So I started this little blog that I had humming away in the recesses of my brain and Emiy_M00n was born!

2. Who was the first blogger you started reading/following?
I think the first blogger I ever read was Zoella. Not going to lie but I spent hours on there when I first discovered her. I loved everything about her post, her design and her!

3. What is your favourite Disney film?
A typical Jess question! And a hard one...don't say Frozen, don't say Frozen be different....Aladdin. I used to and still do love that film. My uncle kindly let me borrow the video when I was very young and I was hooked from then. So much so that my parents actually had to buy him another copy as I wouldn't let them return the original!

4. Which is your favourite social networking site?
Instagram. I am on it constantly. I may not be posting but I like updating myself on the latest vintage-filtered going-ons of my favourite people.

5. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
The fact that I have something to work towards, (Uh oh I gel a cliché coming on) it is like my child. I can nurture it, pamper it and watch it grow into something that I can be proud of.

6. What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
My Macbook Air, I remember that tight feeling in my chest when I saw the total. But it was 300% worth it, I don't know what I'd do without you buddy *pats screen affectionately*

7. What is your must-have makeup product?
Probably foundation. It can cover a multitude of sins like no other product. But I'm getting better at not relying on it to do all the heavy lifting and have invested in a much better skin care routine which means I am craving it less and less.

8. If you had to use one beauty brand for the rest of your life, who would it be?
Ooh this is a hard one, I don't as yet have a particular loyalty to one brand of make-up I think they all have their strengths and weaknesses for different products. But possibly bourjois because of their healthy mix foundation (I wasn't kidding about the foundation addiction) and the beautiful blushes and eyeshadows they do. I feel it's a brand that would work with my skin for a long time.

9. How long does it take to do your makeup?
Uh oh guilty confession: it can be too long (or so I'm told). I enjoy doing it to be fair! Although it really does depend on what I'm doing that day. Day at home: 0 minutes. Day which I might venture to the outside world: 10 minutes. Full day at uni: 20 minutes. Night out: 30-45mins, provided that I can settle on a style and that my blasted winged eye-liner goes well!

10. Baths or showers?
I'm going to say showers. But give me a long week at university and I am craving a long hot bath with lush products!

11. Best lipstick shade?
Ooh this is tricky! For me it depends on season and outfit. But I guess I would have to say that my lipstick I try and wear the most of is a Rimmel Moisture renew lipstick (these things are like heaven in twisty-tube for your lips) in the shade Latino.

So there we have it my questions are done! So now it's time to nominate some new blogs *drum roll*

I will be nominating:
My Cute World 

I'm not sure if you guys will have received this award before but either way there's a lot of love coming from here and I just wanna let you know!

So my questions, if you fancy them, are:
1.What is your favourite beauty product at the moment?
2. What have you learnt since starting your blog?
3. What is your favourite food (and now for the tricky bit) and why?
4. What is your favourite book?
5. What is the beauty product that you have found most disappointing?
6. Is there any beauty products that have surprised you?
7. If you were stranded on a dessert island what one thing would you take?
8.  What's your funniest joke? (or at least the funniest you can find on google!)
9. Favourite style of make-up? Do you enjoy everyday make-up, going out, festival, wedding...ect?
10. What is your current favourite blog?
11. Lipstick or lipgloss or bare?

That's all for now folks, muchos love xxx

1 comment :

  1. thanks lovely! Im about to answer your questions! xo.


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