Wednesday 26 March 2014

A bit more about me - 20 Questions Time

You're here, I'm still here so that means only one thing: it's time for another post! 

So I thought I'd do another nice and easy introductory post today this time telling you guys a bit more about me! 

I asked a few friends to give me some questions and I've thrown in some of my own little random thoughts (you can probably guess which ones) to try and make this post more exciting for all!

Feel free to comment your own answers below or even ask me some more questions for a future post! 

Without further ado: 

1) Favourite place to shop?
Currently it is Boots! Whilst the shops are in that strange limbo between winter-spring-summer clothes I tend to avoid clothes shopping until both the shops and the weather become a bit more constant! So cosmetics is what I spend my money (a.k.a student loan) on. I love it but my bank balance and my storage spaces do not!

2) Who is your idol?
I've never been asked this before so I've never really thought about it. Sure there are a lot of people, past and present that I find inspirational but I am wary about saying my idol is someone in the media as I believe that I will never truly know what they are like - therefore do I really want to aspire to someone I don't know?! So my idol would probably have to be my mum. She works so hard and manages to create order from chaos which is definitely something I need to get better at! Although I also believe that I should aspire to be someone that my younger self would look up to and respect. I just try and do what is right by me: be true to yourself and all of those cliches! (sorry for all the ramblings)

3) What do you like to do to relax?
I'm not very good at relaxing, I'm just one of those people that cannot fully switch off from work so my relaxation is usually half hearted or in the form of procrastination from work! Usually it's with music or with a good book, but actually I'm finding writing my blog very relaxing! 

4) Do you watch YouTube, if so – what channels are your favourite?
Yes I love youtube! I always get very excited when I see new videos from Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Fun for Loius and Hannah Mags. Pixie Woo are my beauty bible, I adore them!

5) What is the current state of your room?
Haha so bit of a dud question but something you should know about me is that my room is always messy - especially at uni! Which makes the idea of having to photograph things for my blog potentially difficult! But I like to think that everything is simply on display as an interactive museum of me! Plus if anyone tries to murder me they will make so much noise tripping over things or won't be able to get to me that I'll be safe - therefore a bit of mess is necessary! 

6) Name 3 things you like about yourself
Erm my hair is pretty cool, its really curly and different (I say today; the answer will be different tomorrow I can guarantee). My razor sharp wit is handy, or at least I am able to amuse myself.  And I like my...eyes, they help me see and stuff so yeah.

7) What colour are your nails right now?
The colour of disappointment. They looked a great coral colour and then I didn't moisturise so they broke and I then decided to pick the colour off. Meaning they currently act as a reminder of my incompetency in nail care. 

8) Who do you spend the most time with?
My flatmates. Being at uni means it's pretty hard to avoid them but luckily they are all a wonderful bunch of people and I really enjoy being around them. Also shoutout to my best buddy Jess who I constantly batter with texts - gotta maintain the long distance relationship, keep that love alive. 

9) What is your most treasured possession?
My 24/7 wifi. 

10) Who's your favourite celebrity?
Do I only get one?? Or can I list (no don't list they'll think you're weird and obsessive) Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston seem like top gentlemen and are very talented actors, and yeah being pretty good-looking helps. Also Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyong'o - very talented women, a lot of respect for them. 

11) What is your favourite song at the moment?
Currently I loving MØ, the deluxe album is superb I couldn't pick one song. I have the whole album on repeat at the moment. 

12) What is your favourite film?
Of all time? This year? Month? Of today? That is possibly the hardest question to ask a film fan...but I'm going to commit to one. The Fall. If you haven't heard of it/ haven't seen it - give it a go! Think of it as cross between Wizard of Oz and The Princess Bride with the most stunning cinematography and locations. Also, Lee Pace (Pushing Daisies, The Hobbit) is superb! If you have seen it: just take a second to remember all its glory!

13) Who is the last person on your caller ID?
It is my friend Kat...she couldn't get into my block in halls so I had to provide rescue services. 

14) What's your favourite book?
I'm having to use all my mental and physical strength to not say Harry I'm going to go for the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I read it a few summers ago and the story still haunts me, one of the most moving and poignant books I have ever read. 

15) What do you want to do in the future? 
Hahaha is my automatic reaction to that question, which is also how I'm planning on diverting all questions from my family that start like that too. Brush them off with some nervous laughter and change the topic. I really have no idea! So why are you at university studying history I hear you ask? I enjoy History, I'm good at it and I was not ready for the world of work at 18 so I'm happy just delaying life decisions. I would love to do something creative in media perhaps. Documentary making would be incredible as I want to travel. Or photography, or maybe you can tell I have no idea! I'm just happy to see what the future brings.

16) What's one thing on your bucket list?
Travel. I was lucky enough to travel a lot as a child and it's something I would love to resume. 

17) What's your favourite Video Game?
Again only one? Okay I only chose one book and one film so this time you're getting a list: Tomb Raider, Bioshock, Skyrim, The Last of Us, Uncharted...yes I'm a PS3 girl sorry any Xboxers!

18) Do you have any pets, if not would you want any?
I have two very amusing cats. One black and one Ginger: Charcoal and Matches (my brother and I chose the names long before we actually got the co-ordinationg kittens) 

19) Would you rather be attacked by a bear sized-duck or duck sized-bear?
A duck sized bear would be super adorable and there wouldn't really be much "attack" - I'd probably just cuddle it.

20) Would you survive a zombie apocalypse? 
I would like to think so. I watch the Walking Dead so I know what's what. 

If you made it all the way through, well done and thank you for reading! You should now know that little bit more about me - as you can tell I started running out of questions at the end! 

That's all for now folks, muchos love

1 comment :

  1. Nice post!! My favorite store for beauty is also boots, I could be in there for hours!!!


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