Monday 24 March 2014


Hello all and welcome to my blog! Today I will try keep it short and sweet (like me *chuckle*) and give you all a short introduction to this little virtual space of me!

So what is my blog all about do I hear you ask? Well to be honest I'm not 100% sure what I want to focus on yet as I really just want a medium in which to express myself and an opportunity to declutter the jumble of ideas and thoughts that are in this head of mine! But expect lifestyle posts and beauty mainly but I would love to do book, music and film reviews because I'm a lazy-arse and I spend a lot of time doing those things! 

As a uni student I do have other time commitments (but don't worry you're my favourites) and so as much as I would love to blog everyday, lets be realistic and agree that it will be as often as I can. So yeah also expect a lot of grumblings about university life and hopefully some useful advice if you are thinking of university/college.

So yeah it would be great if you stick around and see what I have to offer this big world of the internets. 

Muchos love friends 



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