Thursday 1 May 2014

My University Room Tour

Finally tidied my room and can finally show you guys what my university room is like! I only have a few months left here but I have managed to make my little cave of a room a home away from home!

So this is what you are first greeted with (well when and if it's actually looking tidy) I'm lucky enough to have a fairly well sized room, with a surprising amount of storage and my own bathroom. Welcome to my walk-in-wardrobe section of my room as usually clothes and shoes line the floor...sorry not sorry. 

Speaking of which on your left you can see. It does have a shower but lets be honest they all look the same so I didn't take a picture. You can see a bit of a pink theme already starting to occur (never thought I'd be one to like pink that much but hey I embrace it)

Notice board number one. Typical stunt notice board complete with pictures of friends from home, freshers week paraphernalia and timetables that were optimistically utilised for all of a month. There were food coupons but they, of course, were the first to go. Thank you pizza hut. 

 So this is my wardrobe whilst tidy. As I get more work the amount of clothes not on hangers grows proportionally. Believe me it's massive in there, you could fit a person in there. Multi purpose I love it.

And more storage! But an upsettingly small shoe collection and you can probably tell I am trying to tempt the sun with all those sandals. And any sherlocks amongst you will deduce that I am quite small and thus the need for the little stool on the left. 

Ooh a step closer to actual living area!

Helpful shelves for all my make-up bags and general bits and pieces! 

Bowl for my jewellery, hair clips and sunnies! It was meant to be used to hold my keys so that I stopped losing them but it is yet to become habit. 

Newly organised shelves to hold my ever expanding make-up collection within suitable reaching distance from the mirror.

Hint: All my favourites are near the front! 

Just had to prove that students do work. Honest we do; I'm first year with only 8 hours of contact time a week and I do find myself having to read, write and work solidly! And there is now less excuse to skim read as exams loom ever closer so all those books have been read. Hard core student right here. 

My breathtaking view...onto the carpark. I must say that it is vastly improved when the sun shines (or I have my curtains closed and pretend I am overlooking rolling fields) Alas city life. 

My baby. My pride and joy. My obsession. Notice board number two. So yeah I'm a big film and TV fan and with a subscription to Empire magazine and forbidden walls at home; it had to happen. My main men keep me safe. 

And this is where the magic happens...where I have dreams of going to hogworts (if you thought of anything else: naughty!) Usually my dvd collection looms above my head but due to the sheer size I've had to start taking it home already. And yes that is a cuddly toy, I'm obsessed with pugs and so my flatmate bought him for me for valentines. 

And then these are my selves complete with my favourite fairy lights (shh don't tell the hall's office that I have them) and my desktop/tv. 

So welcome to my room! This is the place my posts will be coming from for the next few months before I go home and move into my new flat in September. So I apologise for the lack of white backgrounds in my photography but this is what I have to work with and I'm sure we will all make do!

I'm hoping to do a flat tour soon and a general post on what life is like living in university halls. So if anyone has any questions I would love to answer them! Equally what are your rooms like? Could you cope in basic university accommodation? 

Muchos love all and I'll see you soon (pinky swear posts will eventually get more regular) xxx

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